Sunday, October 23, 2011

google + Manage your albums

Manage your albums

You can manage your albums on the Google+ Photos homepage.


  1. Click on the photos homepage in Google+.
  2. Select Your albums on the left.
  3. Click the album you'd like to rename.
  4. Click on the album name to change, then press Enter.

Edit share settings

Here's how to change the share settings of all your albums in one place:
  1. Click on the photos homepage in Google+.
  2. Select Your albums on the left.
  3. Click Change how your albums are shared to open the share settings editor.
  4. Make your edits to the following settings:
  5. Click Save for changes to each album.
  6. Click Done.
You can also see who has access to each of your albums and edit album visibility on an individual album, here's how:
  1. Click on the photos homepage in Google+.
  2. Select Your albums on the left.
  3. Click on an album.
  4. Below the album title, you'll see the album's visibility after "Visibile to:". Click on the visibility to see and edit the list people who can see your album.
  5. When you're done, click Save.
If you change an album's visibility to share with a more limited group, such as public to limited, all posts and comments related to that album will be deleted.


  1. Click on the photos homepage in Google+.
  2. Select Your albums on the left.
  3. Click the album you'd like to delete.
  4. Click the Delete album button.
Be careful, if you delete an album here, the album and its photos will be permanently deleted from all Google products, including Picasa Web Albums, Blogger, and others. Deleted albums cannot be recovered.

Manage photos

Go to Picasa Web Albums, to copy or move photos between albums as well as reorder the photos in an album.

Create Profile Banner in Google Plus

This tutorial, the goal may be as a complement to your profile page so that it becomes more colorful when viewed by others. Although as a complement. but fungsion this banner for me is very advantageous because by means of this banner that I can advertise my website. To create a profile banner at Google Plus is easy but it takes a little creativity to the banner maker. Because to make this banner we must meet several requirements, namely:

1. Image size must be 750 x 150 pixels , If you have difficulty in making an image measuring 750 x 150 pixels, you can search for reference images on Google.
2. After that the picture size of 750 x 150 pixels is cut into 5 equal parts of 150 x 150 pixels, To cut it into 5 parts, you do not have to bother to cut it manually because there are already tools that can cut the image into equal parts. You can use PhotoScape. Screenshot:
Profile Banner in Google Plus
The image above is an example of shape would it be, if you wish, you can follow the steps below: 1. Go to Google Plus your Profile page.
2. Click on Edit Profile, and after that it will comes up as shown below.
Profile Banner in Google Plus
3. Click Add some photos here.
4. After that you have photos you’d cut into 5 parts ecara the front row of the image. If you’ve uploaded all press Ok.
Profile Banner in Google Plus
5. If you have click Done Editing.
Profile Banner in Google Plus
It’s finished profile banner you created. It is way to early rather complicated but then the outcome is also exciting. If the tutorial is less obvious maybe you could ask some advice and criticism to this website. Hope you enjoy and good luck

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Google+ Youtube Connection Rolled Out

Have you ever wanted to go to Youtube, and see a list of videos people have shared with you on Google+?  Well, Google just rolled out this capability.  It’s very simple to set up.  All you need to do is go to your YouTube settings, and connect your Google+ account to your account on Youtube.  Once this is done, all newvideos that are shared with you on Google+ will appear on your Youtube homepage, as sort of a stream under “Recommend Videos”.  It is important to note that initially after adding your account to Youtube, videos may not appear for a while until new videos are shared with you.  Here is a look at the new homepage setup: